Precious Treasures

Picture of the classroom


    • Parents, please remember to take crib sheets & blankets home every weekend and bring back on Mondays
    • Please remove your shoes when entering the rooms. We’d like to keep the floors clean and dry for the children to crawl & play on.
    • Please check you child’s cubbie for extra clothes that are weather and size appropriate.
    • We will be going outside to play and take walks daily, weather permitting.  Don’t forget to label all items!!!
    • Please bring a family photo for us to display!!!
    • Please make sure all of your child’s belongings are labeled:
      *Bottles *Lids *Nuks *Blankets *Diaper Bags… etc.
    • Health Report Forms need to be updated every 6 months.  Please have your Doctor sign & return to us after 6 & 12 month appointments along with a copy of your child’s immunizations.
